SSPP Superstars – World Book Day Special!07 March 2025-Please see what we have been up to today for our World Book Day! Superstars of the week 7.3.25 – World Book Day
Ash Wednesday06 March 2025-Yesterday, Fr Alex came into school to lead our Ashes Service in school as we marked the first day of Lent.
Shrove Tuesday05 March 2025-Yesterday on Shrove Tuesday, our Early Years children in Nursery and Reception made pancakes, working together to weigh and mix ingredients.
Prayer Service for Pope Francis28 February 2025-We were very grateful to Fr. Alex, who came into school today to lead a prayer service for Pope Francis, thank you to the children that supported.
Football Event28 February 2025-Today, some of our year 5 and 6 children represented the school in a mixed football event at the Wolves Training ground. The children performed brilliantly against some very difficult opposition, scoring some wonderful goals in the process! Well done all that attended!
Library Visit27 February 2025-Key Stage One children visited the Library to take part in some World Book Day activities. They met an illustrator and had a turn at doing some of their own illustrations. An author visited them virtually so they could hear her read to them and they had the chance to make a prop from their […]
Year 2 – Black Country Living Museum27 February 2025-Year 2 had a wonderful day at Black Country Museum. They were Historians and Artists. Children explored different homes, mining and shops from the 1920s-1950s and found out about the way people lived in the past. They also looked at the landscapes and what they could see in the foreground, midground and background of the […]
Internet Safety Day 202511 February 2025-Today we acknowledged Safer Internet Day in school! Classes tuned into a live lesson by the BBC that focussed on spotting scams and phishing! Some classes listened to stories with an online safety focus including ‘Old MacDonald had a Phone!’ and also used Now Press Play for an online safety audio experience! We have put […]