Report Written by Dior (Y6)

When we got to Ormiston NEW Academy, we saw the competition. Despite use either forgetting or not knowing how to play Cricket, we had faith in ourselves. When we got into the sports hall, we practised a bit then a lady gathered us and told us who we were going against.

We were going to play in the smaller sports hall across from the larger oneĀ  – we played all our games in there. Our first two games before lunch – we won.

After lunch, we were supposed to play The Royal School but the plans changed. We ended up playing another school that had also won 2 games (St Stephens). They played really well in the game. They finished on 10 runs but we were sure we could beat them. We were also on 10 runs with one ball left and I hit the ball so well – I didn’t have to run and then everyone crowded around me and we had won the competition!