The weather eased off slightly so we split into two groups.
Groups 1 + 2
Today was one of my favourite days ever! So first we had to put on a pair of trousers and a jumper,they were called furries. Then we got a pair of wellies, also a helmet. After we got all the stuff we needed, we finally started to walk to the Gorge. On our way to the river, we saw a fantastic, beautiful waterfall – It took us an hour and a half to get there and we also saw many many outstanding mountains and waterfalls.When we reached our destination, our group leader (Kate) told us the rules. We were excited and nervous at the same time. We followed the leader and some people started to fall but the most was Gavin. After the people fell over and we got to the top, we started walking back to Towers. When we got back, we ate our lunch then our group went to the zip wire. Everybody got a turn and had amazing fun! We also did abseiling! We are currently having free time: playing pool and table tennis. We are going to have our dinner and then go for a night walk before spending our money at the shop.
(Written by Marcel Wojciechowski – Year 6)
Group 3 + 4
Today was awesome! First, we went canoeing in the canoes across the shivering, cold lake however it was amazing because we sailed with our friends and got to see the fabulous view of the mountains and countryside. After, we paced to the Slates Museum- which gave a lot of facts and information about how slates are made and how they make them. The museum was made in the Victorian times- which Year 6 enjoyed; they were learning about the era in wider curriculum. Next, we followed one of the instructors to the extraordinary cottages( which were set in the modern times, early Victorian era, and late Victorian era). Finally, our group had the chance to jump and swim in the refreshing lake. Many people got extremely wet and cold. On the other hand, everyone had a brilliant time! (Written by Blessing Inyiri – Year 6)