Nursery have been learning about celebrating birthdays this week, so today they combined that learning, their words of the week ‘happy’ and ‘one’ with wearing pyjamas and had a fantastic pyjama party to celebrate everyone’s birthday this year, whether they have already had it, or it still to come.
They played musical statues, danced along to Agadoo, Superman and Gangnam Style (which made them all feel happy) and then had some party food. They had one breadstick and cake, more than one crisp and a slice of birthday cake which had one candle on it.
A great time was had by all!

Reception too have been focusing on Birthdays and the word Celebration. The children wrote shopping lists for what they would have at a party. They also enjoyed some of the items that they would buy!

Year 1 all came in their pyjamas today to school! A great effort – well done!

Having to isolate didn’t stop our Year 2 and Year 6 learners from joining in the Pyjama Day for Ronald McDonald House! Here are some pictures of Year 6 in their live lesson with Miss Higgins and Year 2 children in their pyjamas after completing their live lessons of Maths and Phonics today!
