Years 1-6 took part in Outdoor Day yesterday, they had the opportunities to use their Geographical Field skills.
Year 1 were looking at signs of Autumn and the weather around our school grounds.
Year 2 walked to Clargate Park and looked for Human and Physical features along the way. They also shared their opinions of different parts of the park.
Year 3 walked to the local church and looked for different types of rocks used in buildings.
Year 4 were looking at the path of the River Severn and thinking about the Water journey.
Year 5 walked to St Edmunds and looked at the changes happening in our local community and linked this to our Catholic Social Teaching of Caring for our Common Home.
Year 6 thought about how it can be more sustainable as a school and restarted our recycling in the classrooms. They also linked this to our Catholic Social Teaching of Caring for our Common Home.