This morning, SS Peter and Paul welcomed pupils, staff and parents to celebrate, what has been a fantastic term for our children.
Mrs Byrne led an assembly, which firstly focused on Advent and why we celebrate Christmas. As usual at SS Peter and Pauls, there was a lot of child input to the assembly, with Year 5 children performing some readings, Year 1 and 2 singing a song from their Christmas production, our choir performing one of their Christmas songs, Year 6 performing some songs they had written themselves to celebrate Advent, and also a solo from one of our Year 3 children.
Mrs Byrne then moved onto celebrating the achievement of our pupils this term. We had children awarded their golden book certificates, which were linked to their hard work in our wider curriculum week.Ā This half term the children have been learning about the values of being Learned and Wise. A child, who had demonstrated these values in school, was awarded with a virtues and values certificate.
Mrs Byrne also took the time to thank two members of our community who have helped the school a lot over this term. Shariah’s nan has helped support in Key Stage One, especially in helping for the Christmas production. Mr Swanwick was also thanked for his continued support in preparing and organising our masses in school.
As if that wasn’t enough…. We had a record-breaking number of children with 100% attendance over the Autumn Term. Our attendance has never been higher, and we thank our children and parents for their hard work in supporting the school to meet (and exceed) our school target! Congratulations to Raphael in Year 1, who was one of our 100% attendees, his name was picked out at random and he won a Tesco voucher!
Olivier, in Year 6, was awarded our Citizen of the Term, and he was proudly watched by his mum as he received his award.
A huge thank you to all the parents this term for your continued support. All the staff at SS Peter and Paul wish you a happy and safe Christmas and look forward to seeing you back at school on the 3rd January in the new year.