
SS Peter and Paul pupils will be reminded and shown how they are each created in the image and likeness of God, each given a special mission and each guided to find their own vocation in life. We aim to deliver a curriculum that helps our children to recognise the fundamental teachings of the Church; we live to love and serve one another. Our golden rule underpins how we guide our pupils to treat each other, modelled by staff on a daily basis.

Through our school mission statement, we empower our pupils to be engaged and creative lifelong learners who can contribute to the wider society: ‘building our future together in Christ, on a firm foundation of love, learning and service.’

We expose our children to a range of meaningful learning experiences through our R.E curriculum and we intend to reactivate and build on previous learning through:
– interpretation of scripture from the Bible
– re-enactments of significant events (through role play / performance)
– exploration and marking of Church celebrations
– prayer
– personalised sacramental preparation journeys
– the Sacraments
– created inspired religious Artwork

There are also numerous opportunities for cross-curricular learning in R.E; extended writing and through the use of ICT to enhance learning. P.S.H.E and R.S.E are guided and shaped by our R.E provision.
In addition to the diocesan strategy we have dedicated lessons, for example a multi faith morning at the beginning of each topic week, which seeks to support the children in learning about other faiths through visiting places of worship.


At SS Peter and Paul’s, we use the ‘Learning and Growing as the People of God’ strategy, as directed by the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The thematic approach enables RE to be taught through other subject areas as links in learning provide the children with opportunities to make connections. We seek opportunities to include prayer in our lessons, encouraging pupils to explore and use different prayer forms inside and outside the classroom.
We are planning class prayer services and Masses with our pupils to enhance their experience of collective worship. 

All pupils become actively engaged with the Sacramental Preparation in Years 3 and 6. Children who receive the gift of a Sacrament understand how this milestone takes them further on their journey to faith. The rest of their peers demonstrate the true ethos of our school by supporting them in keeping their Sacramental promises, through friendship. Our youngest learners at SS Peter and Paul begin important learning about friendship, showing an impressive awareness for our golden rule.


Through our curriculum, SS Peter and Paul pupils will be bring an understanding of spirituality and morality to the local community. Our pupils will learn to live out the Gospel messages through their daily actions; sharing the love of Christ and the gift of faith with each other and their families. They will remain respectful and open-minded towards others with different faiths and beliefs, acknowledging the equality between each and every person.

Liturgy leaders take ownership of aspects of the subject, leading prayer groups (during Marian months). This invaluable experience reinforces our emphasis on prayer being a powerful way to support one another. It also teaches children how to address personal trials and challenges, positively supporting our provision for positive mental wellbeing.
By the time our pupils leave us, they will be confident in their personal journey to faith, recognise a lifelong friendship in Jesus Christ and understand the role they have in supporting others in need, both locally and globally. Our pupils live out our catholic mission by responding to social justice and local, national and international charitable work.