History at SSPP is an engaging and exciting journey through the past. Pupils will study important periods of British History as well as studying significant civilisations from the wider world. History teaching will develop for pupils an understanding of chronology. Children will be able to confidently talk about their History learning using vocabulary related to the passing of time as well as content specific vocabulary. Children at KS2 will be able to make links between periods of History they have studied (for example, children in year 4 will be able to make links between the end of the Viking era in Britain and the beginning of Roman rule in Britain).
We aim to teach our pupils to become historians by encouraging investigative skills and questioning. All pupils will be given the opportunity to handle and study historical artefacts and sources of evidence such as letters, paintings and photographs to develop a deeper understanding of how knowledge of the past is constructed. They will have access to quality fiction and non-fiction texts and will be actively encouraged to read and research their area of study. We will aim to provide Historical trips and experiences to enrich childrenās learning. We will ensure all children can access our History Curriculum through differentiation and challenge. Open ended questions and enquiry will be encouraged in all classrooms.
Through the teaching of the History curriculum, pupils at SSPP are able to:
- develop a chronologically secure knowledge of history
- establish clear narratives within and across periods studied.
- develop the appropriate use of historical terms
- regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid questions
- Identify and give reasons for, results of, historical events, situations changes.
- Describe social, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity in Britain & the wide world.
- Identify historically significant people and events in situations.
- Understand how knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.
- Understand that different versions of the past may exist, giving some reasons for this.