As a Catholic academy, our faith is central to who we are and what we do. This is reflected throughout our Catholic Curriculum and all aspects of our life together as a community. We are passionate about our shared Mission; ‘Building our future together in Christ, on a firm foundation of love, learning and service’. Our policies are written specifically to be in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church and to reflect the Catholic Schools Pupil Profile.
We model our behaviour and expectations on Jesus’ example.
Staff and pupils work together to prepare thoughtful, reverent Masses, prayer and liturgies. Parents and members of the wider community are always welcome to join us for Class Liturgies and Mass celebrated in school.
We work closely with our Parish clergy: Mgr Mark Crisp (Parish Priest).
We share our faith on a daily basis, and welcome families of all faiths, or none, so that all pupils will learn a deep respect and tolerance for religious beliefs. We know that when our pupils reach adulthood, they will need personal skills, and a well-developed moral compass as well as knowledge. We celebrate differences and successes in order to develop resilience, self-esteem, consideration and compassion for others. This in turn helps pupils become reflective and thoughtful community members and we pride ourselves on providing wide opportunities to put faith into action within our locality, parish and beyond. Our children develop resilience because they learn that perseverance and effort God’s love for each one of us is unwavering and eternal.
Our Catholic values and virtues encourage mutual respect and we are fortunate to have the excellent support of families, staff, parishioners and friends in the community who promote our apostolic work at SS Peter & Paul’s.