Here are the children who received praise this week!
Congratulations to all of our children that performed ‘Little Red’ to their families yesterday. We had children ranging from Year 1-6 who told the story of Little Red Riding Hood in a musical way. Thanks goes to Miss Needham, who put the performance together.
Today, our house captains led a Boccia tournament, which was our first intra-house competition of the school year.
The children selected were from a range of year groups, and performed brilliantly, with some really close games! Well done to our young officials who helped the games run smoothly.
The results are on our school games noticeboard!
EYFS children have been celebrating World Nursery Rhyme week by learning a rhyme a day. This year the rhymes were: Twinkle Twinkle, Old Macdonald Had a Farm, The Big Ship Sails, Incy Wincy Spider and Five Currant Buns. Nursery children have worked together as a team using a squirble to sing Twinkle Twinkle, instruments matched to animals for Old Macdonald, a ring game for Incy Wincy spider and a shop with a till and real pennies for Five Currant Buns.
Yesterday, some Year 5 and 6 children attended a dodgeball event competing against 9 other schools. It was a very tight competition, with some very close matches. I was very proud of the children’s attitude and manner, with them modelling respect at the end of every match by shaking the oppositions hand. We were proud to have finished 5th overall.