Here are the children who received praise this week!
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Congratulations to Obehi, who was our overall school winner for the Wolverhampton 500 2024 competition. The focus of this competition was around refugees. We are very proud of Obehi and she got to collect her prize from Cllr Coogan at the Wolverhampton Civic Centre.
Last Friday, we celebrated our Saints Peter and Paul’s Feast Day but having a Family Fun Event! There were lots of activities for the children to have a go at including: soak the teacher (which was extremely popular), a bouncy castle, sporting games, a S’more making activity in our outdoor classroom and many more!
This was extremely well-attended by our entire community and we are so proud of everyone’s support and positive feedback to the event. We look forward to sharing how much we raised in the near future!
Year 4 have been learning to play the flute this year with Mrs Lakin from the Wolverhampton Music School. Yesterday, they performed a number of songs and tunes for their parents.
Some of our Year 6 children attended a transition event at Wolverhampton Lawn Tennis and Squash Club and learnt some new skills in Tennis!
Yesterday, we sent some children from Year 4 and 5 to represent the school at the WolvOlympics at WV Active.
The children participated in some new sports including Kinball and Gaelic Football. They had a wonderful time and demonstrated the values that we hold dear here at SS Peter and Paul! They all received a goody bag and some children were awarded with wolves tops.
Nursery have spent last week learning about teeth: why we have teeth, which food and drinks are good for our teeth, visiting the dentist and how to brush teeth. On Friday they all brought their toothbrush from home and practised brushing after snack. Dental care is a priority in Wolverhampton and we were able to give each child a new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste to take home.
The children at SSPP had a wonderful Reading for Pleasure afternoon sharing and celebrating our new books that were awarded by BookTrust. We all dressed in our pyjamas and relaxed with a favourite book. Thank you to parents for supporting us with this event and we hope your child continues their love for books and reading.