Yesterday, our local PCSO visited Year 5 to speak to them regarding the understanding of terminology and to help support them with how best to deal with difficult situations.
Here are the children who received praise in our weekly praise and values assembly.
Wolves Foundation visited our Year 4, 5 and 6 children this afternoon to promote free football sessions at Aldersley Leisure Village through Premier League Kicks.
Mixed sessions are on Friday and Saturday at 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Girls only sessions are on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
During the assembly, there was a freestyle skill competition and both our entrants received prizes!
Today, we took some of our Key Stage 2 children to Pennfields Bowls Club where they experiences Crown Green Bowls! The children really enjoyed themselves and several said they were now ‘Bowling Masters!’
Here are the children who received praise in our weekly praise and values assembly.
Superstars of the week 15.9.23
Today, our Year 6 class led a class liturgy supported by Fr. Alex to talk about the season of creation. Thank you to our parents that came this morning.
Liturgy Leaders met with Fr. Alex today for a special blessing as they undertake their leadership role as an important element of our chaplaincy provision. He enjoyed hearing their ideas and suggestions of actions they hope to take in the coming weeks.
This afternoon, the children who had completed the reading challenges over the summer holidays were invited to a Roald Dahl afternoon tea in school. This was a fantastic reward provided to the children for the extra effort they put into their reading!
This week, in our Praise and Values assembly, we praised those children who had participated in summer learning!
This afternoon, we are blessed to have celebrated a beautiful Whole School Mass today, led by our pupils, to start our academic year. Thank you to parents who were able to join us.