This morning, our year 5 class delivered a wonderfully moving Remembrance class assembly. The children reverently informed the children and parents of the reasons behind Remembrance Day and why we take the time each year to remember those that fought and died for us so that we have the life we have today. ‘Lest we forget’
Yesterday, some classes became Geographers and explored our local environment, identifying different Human and Physical features.
Year 2 enjoyed exploring our local area searching for Human and Physical features by walking to the local park. They have enjoyed using their field skills during our Outdoor Day activities.
Year 3 also walked to a local church, looking at the different natural materials that had been used to construct the building, while seeing how sandstone is a prominent feature in Tettenhall.
The children have just returned to school after a 2 day residential at Kingswood. Here are some pictures of their activities on the second day.
On Friday, our Early Years setting invited parents in to celebrate Black History Month. Parents joined their children in a variety of activities.
Here are some pictures from Day 1 of our residential at Kingswood Trust.
Great to see our children in Years 5 and 6 having fun at the Rackets Cubed Club at the Wolverhampton Lawn Tennis and Squash Club!
This morning, we were visited by Chartwells, who had run a competition in school to raise awareness for Bees and the benefits that they provide us in our world.
Congratulations to Filip and Emanuella, who won the competition with their entries.
Yesterday, our nursery children enjoyed their first experience of the new climbing and agility equipment. Taking risks, developing strength in our upper bodies, arms and hands and practising our balancing and climbing skills in a safe environment.