Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed an afternoon of celebration today to mark the Sacrament of Confirmation. The fourteen confirmandi shone like stars and made us very proud.
Last night, our Year 6 confirmandi did us pround! They received their Holy Sacrament of Confirmation. Thank you to Father Mark, Mrs O’Leary and MIss Higgins for their preparation and coordination of a special evening.
Today, we all gathered on the playground to celebrate our Mother Mary in our May Procession. Each class also visited our prayer garden to offer their flowers to Mary.
Our Year 6 children attended the Good Shepherd Mass this morning, which was streamed from St Chad’s Cathedral.
Last week, Year 6 were visited by Deacon Own for a Vocations Workshop, where they learnt all about the Lord’s calling to the vocation of Priesthood.
On Friday, our children in Year 4 celebrated their Holy Communion by having a celebration in class, enjoying cake and receiving medals. They all looked wonderful in their dresses and suits.
Year 6 and Nursery have both started to complete their respective 100 challenges!
Nursery are doing 100 jumps on a trampoline – 20 each day!
Year 6 are doing 100 minutes of exercise (35 minutes of which were spent gardening yesterday)!
On Friday 30th April – Monday 3rd May we have a whole school challenge, class challenges, group, individual & staff team challenges that you can support. – all in the spirit of Captain Sir Tom Moore, raising money for the Good Shepherd 2021 Appeal from Father Hudson’s Care. Schools across our Multi Academy Company are joining together to do something special to support children, families, vulnerable adults & local initiatives of Father Hudson’s Care. If your children or family are taking on a 100 challenge, feel free to share our SFSC justgiving page and tell us about your challenge.
Remembering the love of Christ on Good Friday. Earlier in Holy Week, Nursery went for a welly walk, collected two sticks and made a cross to take home. They worked together to make a huge cross, then gathered around it to say a prayer. Well done Nursery!
Thank you for all the monies raised for Father Hudson’s. In school this week, we are celebrating Holy Week. Look at this wonderful piece of art work by our Year 6 children.