Thank you to Year 4 who held a Class Liturgy this morning on St Andrew, and thank you to the parents that came to support.
Everyone wrote a prayer on a flower, folded the petals and watched as the petals opened on the water!
Thank you to Year 4 who held a Class Liturgy this morning on St Andrew, and thank you to the parents that came to support.
Everyone wrote a prayer on a flower, folded the petals and watched as the petals opened on the water!
Yesterday in school, we were acknowledging ‘Red Wednesday’ to support Aid to the Church in Need. Children participated in their own class assemblies and liturgies #RedWednesday2022.
Today, our Confirmandi children had the opportunity to go to St Michael’s Church. We celebrated this special retreat day there with other schools in our academy. This opportunity meant the children could learn more about the Sacrament of Confirmation.
On the 11th day, of the 11th month on the 11th hour we will remember them. We gathered to observe the national silence following a liturgy prepared by pupils from Y4, Y5 & Y6. Pupils across school have laid their prayers at our alter as we pray for the souls of the departed.
Year 5 planned and led a well attended class liturgy this morning where they linked their history learning about World War II with Remembrance Day. Thank you to those able to join us for this class liturgy.
Today, our Year 6 children contributed to the All Saints Mass at SS Peter and Paul leading the readings.
Yesterday in school, we celebrated the Feast of Blessed Carlo Acutis, the saint of our Parish, with our Year 5 children leading Mass in school. The children shared stories about his childhood and spoke about how they can relate to him in their Faith lessons.
Today in praise assembly, Mrs Griffiths presented the winning children with their mug designs and their actual mugs! She also announced that we raised a fantastic £300 for Macmillan from the competition and cake donations! Thank you everyone that contributed!
Lovely to see our Year 6 Liturgy Leaders leading our prayer in the month of the Holy Rosary! The children are leading this daily before lunch with the rest of the children invited to join.