Year 4 & 5 came together with the pupils at St Michael’s to lead a Feast day Mass for the Ascension #holydayofobligation
During the month in which we honour Mary, pupils and staff can join the pupil led Rosary prayer group daily in the prayer garden. Our prayer leaders have rosary beads for all who attend but children are welcome to bring their own if they would like to #prayerandliturgy
Report by Year 3 Pupils:
The coach picked us up at 8:45 and the trip was really really good because my friends were sitting next to me. The driver kindly drove us to Alton Castle and back to school. The coach was really modern because there were LED lights, a mini skink and even a bathroom. There was a table and a foot rest. We had the same coach and driver coming back. Once we arrived, we got split into 2 groups. We had Mrs Moorst and Mrs Bhatti and Flix. The other group had Mrs Byrne and Lucas. (Shantelle)
Treasure Hunt!
In the treasure hunt we had picture clues on sheets. We had find symbols. All the symbols were based on Mass and the Holy Communion like: the cross, the Bible and a cup with the Blood of Christ. (Filip)
We were lying on our backs while one of our instructors Flix or Lucas read a Scripture from the Bible. They read The Last Supper. We wrote or drew about our selves then put it in our bags if we were going to Holy Communion.
We put our fingers in ink and everyone put their finger-prints on a cross. (Kornelia)
In the night line we had to put a blindfold over our eyes after we had walked into the forest. We had to hold a rope without left hand and we had to do an assault course and it was really long. To do this we needed to trust each other and to tell our friends what they had to do next. This taught us to communicate with each other in life. (Gerard)
Team building
After Meditation, we split into two groups and started our team building games. The first one was with pipes we had to connect them and the balls reach the bucket without falling.
The second was the caterpillar race, where you had to get inside an orange, plastic band and whoever went the fastest crossed the finish line and won.
The last one was to pull a string and balance it all the way to the otherside without dropping a ball. (Michelle)
Yesterday, Mrs Murphy, accompanied by two of our children from Year 6, visited The Elms Resource Centre with the kind donations that our school community had given for Ramadan and Eid. The Elms Resource Centre are a Muslim charity and help the entire community. They have since let us know that they have supported more people than ever due our community’s kind donations.
This week, children have been learning about Holy Week as it falls in our holidays this year.
Reception enjoyed learning about the events that took place on Palm Sunday. With Palm leaves that they had made, they retold the story of that day.
Today in our Gospel Assembly, we marked the tenth anniversary of Pope Francis becoming pope. Mrs Walker explained how this linked to our social catholic teachings:
Yesterday, our Year 6 class put on a Liturgy with a focus on their class saint – John Bosco. This was really well attended by parents – thank you.
To link with our Live Simply Award and our Catholic Social Teachings, today was the launch of a new recycling project in partnership with Reconomy and Wolves Foundation.
Reconomy came into school to deliver an assembly to launch the recycling project and also inform the classes on the benefits of recycling. Our Key Stage 2 classes are tasked with collecting plastic bottles and putting them in a recycling bin in their classroom. The class who have collected the most bottles by the end of half term will win a special prize!
But that’s not all… the bottles collected will be turned into a new sports kit for our school, and the kit will be designed by one of our very own pupils!
This morning, we celebrated our Advent Mass in school. Some of our children wanted to show the bambinellis they had made! The children can take these to Church on Sunday at 10:15 am for the parish mass to be blessed.
Congratulations to our Year 6 Confirmandi, who celebrated today after their Holy Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday night.