The children led a liturgy in class today which looked at God’s generosity and how we are treated the same. The children recorded how they would like to be generous and share the things they had with others in the world. Following this Go Forth message, our families reflected on how they can go forth and share this in our local community.
This morning year 4 marked the feast day of Saint Vincent De Paul with a class liturgy. Children and families reflected on how they can follow Saint Vincent De Paul’s footsteps by pledging acts of kindness and charity. Thank you to the families that joined us this morning.
Today, our Year 6 class led a class liturgy supported by Fr. Alex to talk about the season of creation. Thank you to our parents that came this morning.
Liturgy Leaders met with Fr. Alex today for a special blessing as they undertake their leadership role as an important element of our chaplaincy provision. He enjoyed hearing their ideas and suggestions of actions they hope to take in the coming weeks.
This afternoon, we are blessed to have celebrated a beautiful Whole School Mass today, led by our pupils, to start our academic year. Thank you to parents who were able to join us.
Today we are celebrating the feast of our Saints, Peter and Paul! Our Liturgy Leaders organised a wonderful mass this morning and tomorrow we are continuing the celebrations with our colour run in school!
This morning, our Year 2 Class delivered a class liturgy on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The children thought about and discussed who they are thankful for most in their hearts. There were some really thoughtful and loving answers, which show how appreciative our children are about the support they see given to others and also the support they receive personally.
Children from our school and parish led a procession into the city centre on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Children wore their First Holy Communion outfits or special occasion clothes to carry flowers and spread petals before a procession of the Blessed Sacrament. This was well attended and pupils were able to share their experience in Gospel assembly on Monday. You can find out more about this on the Parish Website by following this link
Yesterday, our pupils led our May Procession service in school. Children from Year 6, Year 4 and Year 3 led our school in our dedication to Mary, which ended with Maddison in Year 6 crowning Mary. This year, the children have planted seeds as an offering to Mary, which will then grow and decorate our prayer garden in school.
Congratulations to our Year 3 children, who celebrated their First Holy Communion today. Family, parishioners and staff from the school were pleased to celebrate this special occasion with you on Saturday.