The children have had a fully packed day and are now settling into their beds ready to go to sleep.
After having lunch earlier, the children then went and experienced what it was like to be in an Anderson Shelter during the war. They found this very interesting and were able to show off their knowledge of World War 2. Following that, the children then went on a material trail around the local environment – demonstrating their knowledge of different materials and their properties.
The children were then very excited to get the opportunity to feed the sheep (very hungry sheep).
We then all came back inside after a play and the children had their lunches, that their parents had kindly packed for them. Then, after tidying up and setting up for Breakfast tomorrow, the children went into the playroom and played in the soft play area, dressed up, drew pictures, played instruments and read books.
We were then joined by the staff joining us overnight. Mr Morgan opened up the shop and the children were able to spend their money buying gifts.
Finally, the children enjoyed a hot chocolate and a biscuit, had a wash and brushed their teeth ready for a bed time story, excited for their day tomorrow.